UChin Kim Apps

Ultra Ringtone Changer 1.03
UChin Kim
Brought to you by the creator of the popular Ultra Voice Changerapp..Hear what your favorite music or audio files sound like onhelium, as a chipmunk, as a robot, in slow motion, or backwards!Create new ringtones by applying special effects to yourexisting ringtones !List of Special Effects:Alien(Goauld), Chipmunk, Helium(Despicable Minion), Robot, Echo,Possessed, Hyper, Slow Motion, Bee, Deep, Backwards, SlowBackwards
Ultra Voice Changer 1.22
UChin Kim
Also check out our new app for making calls with voice effects(Phone Call Ultra Voice Changer) http://goo.gl/x0Y4Yu !Free technical support is available, for this app, on thediscussion forum:http://bit.ly/OKpSgN30+ FREE Voice Effects !Note: Dalek voices are actually labeled as: Cyborg I, Cyborg II,and Cyborg III in the actual app.Robot 1-5 (Cylon and other scifi robots),Alien1-4(Goauld,Asgard),Backwards,Bee,Chipmunk,Cyborg1-4(Daleks,Cybermen),Deep,Deep Metallic(Darth Vader),Echo,FastBackwards(foreign language),Fast Normal,Freaky1-2,Helium(DespicableMinion),Hyper,Metallic,Possessed,Saw-Man(Jigsaw),SlowBackwards,Slow Normal* You can also use this app to create custom ringtones usingthese voice effects..* Create WICKED telephone greetings for yourself and/or yourfriends.NOTE: When recording, try using different recording volumelevels (look for the recording volume control within the app) inorder to find the levels that work best for your device. Thedefault recording level of 1 may not be optimal for your device, soyou may need to play around with that setting to get goodrecordings..If you hear excessive static during playback, try lowering yourrecording volume and make a new recording using this lowerrecording volume setting.TROUBLESHOOTING CHECKLIST:If you are unable to record audio using this app, try thefollowing:CHECK 1: Speak closely into the microphone.CHECK 2: Raise the speaker volume on your phone/device.CHECK 3: Raise the recording volume from within the app.CHECK 4: Also, if you have a bluetooth headset and you are notable to record audio or just get static, try turning your bluetoothheadset off and see if that resolves the issue.CHECK 5: From within the app, try selecting a different audiorecording rate, via Menu->Prefs. Supported audio recording ratesinclude: 44100 stereo, 22050 stereo, 11025 stereo, 44100 mono,22050 mono, 11025 mono, 48000 stereo, 48000 mono, 8000 mono.Depending on your device, only a subset of these recording ratesmay be available to you.If you have a question or issue, post them to the followingdiscussion forum:http://bit.ly/OKpSgN(Note that this product cannot be used to spoof your voicewithin phone calls.)You can hear a demo of some of the voice effects here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw-ByMP0pOs
Morse Code Defender 1.01
UChin Kim
Your mission is to decipher alientransmissions. For some inexplicable reason, they are encoded inMorse Code. You are tasked with deciphering the transmissions asquickly and correctly as possible. The fate of Earth may lie inyour hands..For full word mode, search for the app: Deluxe Morse CodeAttack!CREDITS:The background image used in this app is a Hubble picture (http://hubblesite.org/gallery/ ). NASA andSTSci have made these picture(s) available in the publicdomain.The Hubble Copyright Notice can be found here:http://hubblesite.org/about_us/copyright.php
Deluxe Morse Code Attack! 1.03
UChin Kim
You can test drive this app via a web browseron the Amazon site.Level 130 -> 13.30 WPM.Level 165 -> 20.03 WPM.Level 200 -> 40.00 WPM.You need to be able to read and write English in order to playthis game.Word drill mode selects words from a dictionary of more than10000 words.Even though this is presented in a game like format, it is moreof a morse code trainer or teacher. If you are serious aboutlearning morse code, I suggest you dedicate 20 to 30 minutes a day,at least 3 to 4 times a week using this trainer.To ease the learning curve, levels 1 through 9 will show thevisual word choices before the audio word starts playing. Levels 10and higher will show the visual word choices after the audio wordhas finished playing. Also, there are now four different drilltypes: letters, numbers, punctuation, words.In word drill mode, when you hear a word, you may only recognizea few letters. But those few letters can often be enough to helpyou choose the correct answer.With practice, through contextual bootstrapping, you end uplearning the remaining letters and being able to process them atprogressively higher speed rates.Each level is slightly faster than the level before it. Thespeed change is barely noticeable, but it adds up. Check out theYouTube video link below for a demo.This finely tuned computer aided learning is much easier to usethan the standard Farnsworth and Koch methods. Granted, prior tothe computer era, Koch and Farnsworth were the onlyalternatives..It is probably easier and more fun if you use a notepad to jotdown letters as you hear them. Use the play button (circular arrow)to replay the code, as needed. If you try to do it all in yourhead, you will most likely fumble it. Use a notepad !Each level is comprised of 5 sets of 5 steps. After each set of5 steps, you will need to press the play button (circular arrow) tocontinue on to the next set.Scores are posted to Scoreloop ( http://www.scoreloop.com ).Note that the Word Drills mode actually contains a fewpunctuation and number steps near the end of each level.You can hear what Deluxe Morse Code Attack sounds like at thefollowing game levels (1,50,100,150, and 200):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lznyf8L_bvACREDITS:The background image used in this app ( http://hubblesite.org/gallery/album/pr2005002f/) is a Hubble picture. NASA and STSci have made these picture(s)available in the public domain.The Hubble Copyright Notice can be found here:http://hubblesite.org/about_us/copyright.phpThe spelling dictionary, used by this app, is a subset of thewords from 2of12.txt, which is in the public domain. (See http://wordlist.sourceforge.net/12dicts-readme.htmlfor more information).